Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rest In Peace Buddy

So, today wasn't the greatest day of my life. I lost my dog a few hours ago. He had a cancerious tumor on his leg and the vet said we either had to put him down or remove his leg. Removing his leg wasn't even a real option because he was over-weight. I'm terribly sad but my mom, the one who took him to the vet, was there with him the whole time. She said they were great with him and he went peacefully. I miss him so much but I'm happy he's no longer in pain. He's been apart of my family for a long time; 10 years. Buddy and my dad use to knock heads Buddy would always steal my dad's food. He was slick when it came to that, lol. Everyone who has met Buddy has made fun of his weight at one point or another but they all loved him. He just had this personality that grew on you. We all love you Buddy and we'll miss you.


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